The Hankyoreh
“A lot of my friends and family are worried about whether Korean society is sustainable because of the low birth rate, the aging society,... [Oct.6,2019 14:14 KST]
Eleven years have passed since Korea was sideswiped by the “KIKO incident,” harming many small and medium-sized exporters. Some had to... [Oct.6,2019 14:11 KST]
The South Korean government emerged victorious for the first time in an investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) cases initiated by a US investor... [Oct.5,2019 11:25 KST]
The gap between real estate and financial assets among South Korea’s wealthy grew wider last year as apartment prices rose and stock prices fell.... [Oct.5,2019 11:16 KST]
Sixty-four percent of semiconductor photoresist-related patent applications with the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) belong to Japanese... [Oct.5,2019 11:09 KST]
The South Korean government has decided to cull all the pigs in Paju and Gimpo, two cities in Gyeonggi province, to prevent the spread of the... [Oct.4,2019 17:39 KST]
The African swine fever (ASF) virus has been detected for the first time in the carcass of a wild boar found in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). The... [Oct.4,2019 17:37 KST]
The Pukguksong-3 submarine-launched ballistic missile that North Korea disclosed through photographs on Oct. 3 exhibits considerable differences... [Oct.4,2019 17:33 KST]
North Korea announced the successful test launch of its new “Pukguksong-3” submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) in a Korean Central News... [Oct.4,2019 17:30 KST]
With North Korea and the US expected to begin working-level talks on denuclearization this weekend, a US news outlet is reporting that the US has... [Oct.4,2019 17:27 KST]
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